“Dangerous Curves” Currently Booking for the 2013 Holiday Season!

“Dangerous Curves” Currently Booking for the 2013 Holiday Season!

My vocal trio, DANGEROUS CURVES (Karen Michaels, Lisa Smith, Margaret Menzies), is currently booking for the 2013 Holiday Season!!! If you work for a company or belong to a group that has an annual Christmas get-together or Holiday party, allow … Continue reading

2012 Year-In-Review!

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Can you believe we are already at the end of 2012? And what a year it’s been! A definite mixture of highs and lows…not an easy year, for sure…but a completely blessed one nonetheless. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in…it was a busy year! LOL

To begin with, Ron and I were BOTH incredibly blessed with many new opportunities to continue doing what we LOVE: there were several NEW VENUES for me to sing jazz (Elara Grand Vacations Resort, The Dispensary Lounge, Blue Fire Supper Club, Kelly’s Prime Steak & Seafood) and a couple of NEW SHOWS for Ron (The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas & The Grand Ole Vegas Revue at The Plaza) in addition to all his emcee and hosting work (you can read all about my gorgeous hubby at www.RonSmithLasVegas.com)! PLUS, we had lots of opportunities this year to perform TOGETHER, which we love the MOST (Sun City Anthem, Starbright Theater, Wild Horse Country Club, Hit Parade, Toast of the Town, Showstoppers, Barbra Streisand Concert, etc.)!

Facebook ProfileOne of the “lows” this year was losing my older brother, Jeff. He passed away on March 26th, following a very long, painful struggle with alcoholism and all the various and numerous health problems he had because of it. Jeff and I had our difficulties over the years. Alcoholism is such a progressive, all-encompassing disease, and it literally takes over your life…and the lives of everyone around you. I had a hard time understanding what I believed to be his “choices” in life…I realize now they weren’t choices for him, he did the best that he could. My brother is finally at peace, and he will always be remembered as a good and kind man who adored his children and just wanted his family to be proud of him. And we are so grateful that we have his wonderful children, Tyler (15) and Sara (13), living here in town now…they are truly a blessing in our lives. You can read his full story on the memorial website we set up for him here: www.jeffreywaynerogers.com.

Trubble Smith: RIP 1993-2012

Trubble Smith: RIP 1993-2012

We also lost our dear, sweet Trubble this past year…my “bestest” friend and kitty of 19 years. She was such a joy in our life and such a wonderful companion through the years. I miss her so much….

Yes, a definite mixture of highs and lows…but thankfully, the highs totally outweighed the lows…again, fortunate and blessed. :)

My vocal trio, DANGEROUS CURVES, had a particularly incredible year. Here’s a little tidbit from our latest BLOG post, just to catch you up:

Dangerous Curves, 2012…it has truly been one of the most sensational years in Dangerous Curves history. And, while our history is rather short (should we simply say new?), it has been filled with the love and support of family and friends. However, we never dreamed just how much support we would literally see and feel than when we did our first Dangerous Curves, Indiegogo campaign. Crowd-funding?! That’s for big stars and artists with HUGE email lists and…well, you know…right? NO! We really didn’t know the depth and scope of your huge and generous hearts!

CD Artwork Composite

The above pictures show the fruition of that generosity in our sophomore CD called “Star of Wonder”, now available on iTunesAmazon MP3 and of course, physical copies available by simply emailing us at dangerouscurves@cox.net.

If that wasn’t enough, we have been nominated for “2012 Best Cabaret Artist – Female” on Broadway World Los Angeles! WHAT?! We couldn’t be happier! If you have a moment, would you go and vote for us? Here’s the link to vote on BroadwayWorld.com (you must first enter your email address and then complete the entire voting process in order for your vote to count). BUT PLEASE HURRY: Voting ends Dec 31, 2012.

Wow, 2012. A year filled with new fans and friends, performances, nominations, our newest CD and best of all, the absolute knowledge, that someone is listening. Someone really cares about us and knows us and loves us. Friends, we love you, too. Enjoy your holidays and we wish you a most happy and joyous New Year!

Shades of SinatraAs for SHADES OF SINATRA, we are still performing at the Clarion Hotel & Casino 3 nights a week, but we are now in the BIG 300-seat Wolf Theater Showroom (and beginning in June of this year, we moved to Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights at 9:00pm)!!! We continue to get wonderful crowds and so many positive comments and reviews about the show (you can read a few of them HERE on TripAdvisor.com).

Looking toward 2013, we are planning to start booking some out-of-town shows in addition to continuing our shows at the Clarion Hotel… lots of plans, lots of dreams, lots of great things ahead!

stick_figure_drawing_goalsOn a personal note, 2012 was a definite year of change and self-improvement for me. After watching a video of myself in the Valentine’s Show that Ron and I performed at the Starbright Theater (“Love is a Many Complicated Thing”), I sadly realized that the past 10 years of being married and living in Las Vegas had brought not only tremendous JOY and LOVE to my life, but also an additional 30 or so pounds!!! What?!?!? How did that happen? I mean, I knew I had gained a few pounds over the years…marriage does that to you, right? But 30?!?! Holy COW (pun intended)…I honestly had no idea. SOOOO, I decided that day to DO something about it.

I had just finished reading Jennifer Hudson’s book, “I Got This: How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down” and immediately got online and signed up for Weight Watchers. Yes, THAT Weight Watchers! It was exactly what I needed. I’ve never been a person who does well with “meetings” of any kind (maybe I just don’t like people that much???), but I LOVE gadgets and tech stuff, and I LOVE being in charge and making my OWN decisions…I definitely don’t respond to someone else telling me what to do. So after reading through a few of the options, I decided to sign up for the ONLINE PLAN and track everything using my iPhone. PERFECT for me! I signed up for a 3-month plan to start with (about $18 a month for ALL the tools I would need) and figured I’d try it for 3 months and see how it went. What did I have to lose, right (besides the obvious lbs)? Well guess what? In those 3 months I lost 16 pounds!!!!! And I am not exaggerating when I tell you it was WAY easier than I thought it would be. All I did was stick to the plan and the weight literally fell off! I was EATING AND LOSING WEIGHT. I felt great. THIS was something I could actually do the rest of my life…yeah, I became a “believer”. Thanks Jennifer… ;-)

Weight Watchers

So, I decided I would keep going and lose ALL the weight I had gained since moving to Vegas…all 30 pounds of it. But I also decided AFTER that initial 3 months that I really did need to start getting some regular exercise. Not so much for the weight loss (Weight Watchers was taking care of that part), but for my own health. Let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger (as much as I would like to think I am), and it was finally time to start an exercise plan that I would STICK with. But finding something that I could get excited about…now that was the kicker. Hmmmm….what to do?

184999497163930721_j8k2MhS1_bWell, over the years I have had several friends who were runners, and I always remember them talking about the “high” they would get, and the amazing feeling of “accomplishment” they would have when they’d finish a “LONG run” (which for them was, like, 8 miles, and for me would be 8 minutes!). And then I read a Facebook post from a friend where she talked about running 10 miles that day, and I thought to myself, “That’s insane…that would take 2 hours to do!!!” I wrote her and told her that she was my hero, and I could NEVER do that, and guess what she wrote back? That a year ago, she couldn’t either. But she did a program called “Couch-to-5K” and went from not being able to run 2 minutes without feeling like she was going to die, to being able to RUN a 5K in only 9 weeks. Wow, really??? Okay, again…what have I got to lose??? Let’s give it a shot!

So I purchased the “Couch-to-5K” app for my iPhone and went for my first RUN! Okay, not really a run…it was a slow jog for 30 seconds, then a walk for 2 minutes, then another 30-second jog, then walk, then…you get the idea. Each day I did the program, the time of the jog interval increased slightly, and the walking time decreased. It was not easy, but it also was COMPLETELY doable. So I did it, and continued to do it 3 times a week for the next 9 weeks, and at the end of that 9 weeks I ran in my first 5K RACE!!! Since then I have run in 2 more 5K’s, ran my first 10K in November (hubby’s 1st 5K), and have already signed up for my first HALF MARATHON next April. Yep, I am officially HOOKED!

Running Photos

So, that’s where we are. I reached my goal weight in September and have now kept it off for 3 months! I feel better than I have in my entire life! SO WHAT’S NEXT for Lisa Smith?!?!? New goals? New performing possibilities? Yes, and YES! But you’re just gonna have to wait till the next BLOG post to find out what they are…so stay-tuned! :)

In the meantime, if you’re not busy this Monday night, New Year’s Eve, come on down to Bootlegger Bistro, 7700 Las Vegas Blvd S, and celebrate with us! Gary Peterson and I will be there from 9:30pm-12:30am…LIVE JAZZ, GOURMET ITALIAN CUISINE, CHAMPAGNE….what more could you want?!?

Bootlegger NYE WEB

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE….see ya in 2013!!!


As most of you already know, my vocal trio “Dangerous Curves” has been busy in the studio creating & recording our first Christmas CD (you can read all the latest on our BLOG and even see some video of us LIVE in the studio!). Now, as we head into the FINAL DAYS of our IndieGogo fan-funding campaign, we REALLY need your help spreading the word!

We have raised a little over $4000, which is AWESOME…but it also means we are still about $2,250 shy of our goal…with only 3 days left (campaign ENDS this Friday, October 5)! AGH!!!!

So, just a quick reminder…if you have been meaning to contribute and take advantage of some of our FABULOUS perks (advanced copies of the CD, show tickets, custom merchandise, VIP entrance to our CD release party with champagne celebration, “associate producer” credit on the album, etc), but just haven’t done so yet, PLEASE do so now…we could really use your help…here’s the link: www.DangerousCurvesMusic.com

Or if you would rather not or cannot afford to contribute (no pressure, we totally understand), or if you’ve already become a Curvy Contributor, please help us by spreading the word…it would mean a lot to us!!! Remember, campaign ends this FRIDAY…just a few days away!!! :)

Thanks so much!
Lisa, Gret, Karen
The girls of “Dangerous Curves”

TO CONTRIBUTE: www.DangerousCurvesMusic.com
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.DangerousCurvesLasVegas.com
VISIT OUR BLOG: www.DangerousCurvesLasVegas.wordpress.com

HERE’S A LITTLE PREVIEW: We are almost 1/2 way through the album, and we can’t WAIT for you to hear the finished project! Here’s a little VIDEO we shot while in the studio recording our Christmas version of “Glow Worm” this past week…check it out (ps> the version of “Jingle Bells” you hear at the beginning is not actually part of the album…it’s just a little something extra we threw together…just for YOU, our Curvy friends):

Dangerous Curves’ Christmas CD – How YOU Can Be Involved!

As many of you know, my vocal trio “Dangerous Curves” has been busy working on our 1st Christmas CD! This project has been in the works for almost two years, and we’re finally ready to get in the studio, lay down the rest of the tracks and finish it up.


We are sounding the call to our Curvy Community; the fans that have supported us in the past, and the new friends we hope to make as a result of this campaign! Please watch the video below and SHARE this blog post with all your friends & family…

Then choose your PERK and join us in our Curvy Christmas Adventure!

To contribute: www.IndieGogo.com/DangerousCurvesLasVegas

And here is the link to the YouTube video featuring our rendition of “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” from the album (mentioned in the video above), and our salute to the troops and their homecoming from Iraq this past Holiday Season: http://youtu.be/nctyr_ueku0

THANK YOU again for your continued support & LOVE…we couldn’t do any of this without you!

Lisa, Gret & Karen
702-518-CURV (2878)

Happy Holidays and NEW Recording/Video!

Ron & Lisa Smith, Christmas 2011

I absolutely cannot believe that tomorrow is Christmas day…this past year has gone by SOOOO quickly!!!!! Ron and I spent the day at my folks’ house (that’s where this picture was taken), and had a WONDERFUL day with them and our niece & nephew catching up, exchanging gifts, and eating WAY too much food (glazed ham, jambalaya rice & sausage, sauteed green beans, potato salad…yum, yum, YUM!!!!). Thankfully there are lots of left-overs, so I may not have to cook for a week. :)

In honor of the Holiday season, I have included a video below that my vocal trio “Dangerous Curves” put together. It is our tribute to our Military troops and their homecoming from Iraq, this Holiday Season 2011 (the recording of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” is from our upcoming Christmas EP). The video montage we put together is our THANK YOU to them, and their families, for all they have done and continue to do for our country on a daily basis (PS> grab a box of tissues BEFORE you watch…you’re gonna need it!).

Both Ron and I would like to wish you a VERY Merry Christmas (or Happy Hanukkah, or whatever special Holiday you celebrate this time of year) and an ever BETTER 2012! I have a feeling this next year is going to be FAB-U-LOUS!!!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Lisa and Ron Smith
Las Vegas, Nevada

Many thanks to Rob Hyatt & E3 Recording Studios, Dan Ellis (piano accompaniment on the recording), Rascal Flatts (for the amazing inspiration & arrangement) and the MANY video editors (like JDS773) and various uploaders on YouTube.com who gave us SO MANY incredible & touching video clips to use! We are grateful that so many of our troops have been able to come home for Christmas, and we look forward to the continued return of our other Military personnel around the world who are STILL fighting for our freedom.

A Jazzy Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving! Well, it’s been a full couple of weeks for Dangerous Curves as we’ve been getting ready for our upcoming show, “A Jazzy Christmas”, at the Clark County Performing Arts Center (also called the Flamingo Library Theatre). Lots of music to arrange, learn, and memorize…costumes and stage decor to search for and purchase…video multimedia to prepare…advertising to design and send out…special appearances to promote our show…whew, I’m exhausted just typing it all out! :)

First of all, we’d like to send out a big thank you to Tony Branco, Gina Raakin, Trini Garza, Stewart Daylida, and our wonderful husbands (Ron, Dennis & Michael) for all they’ve done to help us get this show ready…it’s gonna be great! Secondly, we want to make sure YOU have all the pertinent info so that you can come to the show! Hope to see you there…

“A Jazzy Christmas”
with Dangerous Curves & Friends

Sunday, Dec 5, 2010
2:00pm (doors open at 1:30pm)

The girls of Dangerous Curves (Karen Michaels, Lisa Smith, Margaret Menzies) have gathered together a few of the best vocal groups in Las Vegas to kick-off your swingin’ holiday season and set the mood for a sparkling New Year! Polished and brighter than ever, from vintage standards to contemporary jazz, this show will inspire and reacquaint you with all your favorite Christmas tunes done in a completely new and Curvy way…like an assorted box of Christmas chocolates, there’s a delicious something for everyone!

With special guests Fifth Avenue (Rob Hyatt, Jerry Jones, Bryce Robinson, Jeff Celentano), the Swing City Dolls (Robin Berry Vincent, Natalie Carson, Connie Murray) and a few extra special SURPRISE GUESTS(!!), this is a show you do NOT want to miss!

Clark County Performing Arts Center
Flamingo Library Theatre
1401 E. Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89119

Tickets only $15 at the door!

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Okay, so as you can tell by my the fact that I am actually WRITING something, one of my New Year’s Resolutions is going to be to update my blog more often…like more than once every 6 months!!! LOL… So, I thought I would start the year with a few highlights from the past few months and give you a little update as to where things are now…

SEPTEMBER was a busy month for Ron and myself. First, we headed down to California over Labor Day weekend for my 20-year Young Americans Japan Tour Reunion…what a BLAST! So many people that I hadn’t seen in years…and they all looked fantastic (and surprisingly YOUNG…ya gotta love that about performers)! A HUGE thank you to Tiff, Craig & David for planning everything and putting in so much work to make sure the entire day was so successful…you guys are the best! Immediately upon returning, Ron and I went back to work preparing for the Heritage Makers Annual Convention, where we hosted the HM’s Got Talent competition, and performed a bunch of our own material, less than 2 weeks later. It was a LOT of work getting it all ready, but ended up being so much fun. Thanks so much to Doug, Brytt and Chris for inviting us to perform, and congratulations to the winners of the competition and to all who participated…you ladies ROCKED! The following week, I was off to the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco for a couple of days to sing an evening of Jazz at a swanky corporate event…got to sing all of my favorite music, wear a pretty dress, and I got paid too…gosh I LOVE my job!

Shades of Sinatra on Channel 13 News!

OCTOBER was equally as busy and also oh-so-much FUN! The first week was filled with special appearances with Shades of Sinatra as we went throughout Las Vegas (San Gennaro Feast, Radio Appearance on KJUL 104.3, Spotlight Appearance on Hit Parade, Television Appearance on KTNV-Channel 13 News) to promote our headlining weekend, October 3-4, at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino. We added several new songs to the show this past year–You Will Be My Music, Lady is a Tramp [Ella & Frank version], The House I Live In, Winners, One For My Baby, Where or When, Please Be Kind, Don’cha Go Away Mad–and the crowd really seemed to love all the new stuff.  As a bonus, we also got to promote our brand new CD!

The next week (from October 7-12), Ron and I flew to Hyannis, MA to rehearse & perform with the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra for their Gershwin Pops Concert. Talk about FABULOUS and FUN! Wow, we could not have asked for a better experience. The symphony conductor, Jung-Ho Pak, is not ONLY one of the most talented conductors we’ve ever worked with, he is seriously one of THE NICEST people we’ve ever met! We cannot express enough what a wonderful experience it was working with him and with everyone involved with the orchestra…we are just so grateful for the opportunity we were given. The show turned out to be a wonderful success for all involved…the 1400-seat theatre was completely sold-out for EVERY night of the performance!

“Rhythmic razzle-dazzle, toe-tapping jazz and swinging tunes explode in a tribute to the indomitable master of melody, George Gershwin. From Broadway to the silver screen, from Fred Astaire to Sting, Gershwin’s creative output transcends musical styles and idioms with off-the-charts hits like An American in Paris, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off, S’Wonderful, and Summertime.  An intriguing virtual performance of Gershwin’s famous Rhapsody in Blue combined with a dynamic singing duo, husband and wife team Ron and Lisa Smith, up the volume on a performance packed with entertainment.”

CMA Awards - October 15, 2009

From Gershwin to Motown…just a few days later I had the opportunity to perform the following songs,

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Natural Woman
I Heard It Through the Grapevine
My Girl/Guy
Proud Mary

for the Motown themed CMA Awards at the Golden Nugett Hotel & Casino, dressed in 1960’s clothing, complete with big, blond wig & 3-inch Go-Go boots (ouch!).  The event planner/client, Jodi, turned out to be incredibly nice and even followed up by writing a fabulous review on GigMasters when it was all finished:

“Lisa was easy to work with, accommodating, talented, adorable and fun! Everyone loved her. I’d recommend her to anyone.” – Jodi Owens, Event Planner for Credit Management Association, Las Vegas, NV (Oct 15, 2009)

Lisa Smith

The next day I headed down to Riverside, CA with Dennis & Karen Michaels (two of my very FAVORITE people to sing with!) to perform for the BIA (Builders Industry Association) Awards Dinner at the Mission Inn Hotel. We were hired by Stargazer Productions to do a “singing waiters” gig…lots of GREAT MUSIC and I didn’t actually have to wait on ANY TABLES! Gotta love that!! Lol… :)

I ended the month (October 31, Halloween night) at Les Artistes Steakhouse at the Paris Hotel & Casino, singing an evening of Jazz Standards with Gary Stevens (piano) & Jeff Davis (bass). Their “regular” singer had another gig that evening so I got to fill in…what a great night!

Um, feel free to call me again anytime guys…seriously, anytime!

Dangerous Curves at Lupus Walk, 2009

Las Vegas Lupus Walk!

NOVEMBER was mostly about rehearsing for the numerous Christmas gigs coming up in December! In addition to getting ready for our annual appearance at the Las Vegas Lupus Walk (where we sing the National Anthem every year for the Alliance for Lupus Research), the gals of Dangerous Curves decided to take on a few more “challenging” arrangements for the Holidays, including a KICK “A” big-band arrangement of Jingle Bells that ended up requiring a few more rehearsals than we were used to!!!!! But the good news is, it really paid off! In fact, we’re thinking about keeping that new rehearsal schedule as we head into the new year…

November also marked the beginning of the 3rd month of our album “Girl Talk” being on iTunes…it’s been really fun to watch the sales increase month after month!  It’s been getting great reviews too!  In addition, we used this month to finish our EPK (Electronic Press Kit) and create a NEW website. You can check them both out by visiting us on the web at www.DangerousCurvesLasVegas.com.  And remember, you can follow us on Twitter AND Facebook as well!

Howard Hewett, Lisa Smith, Galaxy GlennThe only other appearance I had in November was as the opening act for Howard Hewett (legendary singer/songwriter & former member of the group Shalamar) at the Coker Foundation Annual Benefit Concert.  The event was hosted by the very talented comedian Galaxy Glenn and I presented 30 minutes of Jazz, Blues and R&B. To be quite honest, I was more than a bit nervous opening for such incredible talent…but everyone was extremely nice, and the concert turned out to be a HUGE success! Whew!!!!

Dangerous Curves, Christmas 2009Well, that brings us to DECEMBER! The beginning of the month was all about Dangerous Curves…with 7 performances in 5 days, the girls were quite busy!  On December 6th we had the opportunity to sing at all 3 services for the wonderful congregation of New Song Church in Anthem…we sang an absolutely BEAUTIFUL a cappella arrangement of Star of Wonder, written by Terre Roche (of the incredible vocal trio, The Roches). Thank you to Pastor Dave & Pastor Marta for always being so welcoming and for inviting us back again & again!

Immediately following those performances, we jumped in our cars and headed down to the Library District Performing Arts Center for the Performing Arts Society of Nevada’s Annual Holiday Show, where we shared the stage with some of Las Vegas’ best talent, including three of OUR favorite musical ladies, Kellie Wright, Cyndi-Lee Mack & Dolly Coulter. We premiered our new Jingle Bells arrangement AND sang a very fun rendition of Santa Claus is Coming to Town with Dennis Michaels, based on the FABULOUS Bing Crosby/Andrews Sisters arrangement recorded back in 1943! Thanks Tom & John…we always have a great time performing in your shows!

On Wednesday, December 9th, we performed for the ROWC Annual Holiday Party out at Nellis AFB. We did 30 minutes of music, which included:

  • Star of Wonder
  • Love Being Here With You
  • Old-Time Radio Medley (Sentimental Journey, Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen, Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Old Cape Cod)
  • Cloudburst
  • Jingle Bells
  • Moon River
  • Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens
  • Santa Claus is Coming to Town

We had a wonderful time, and the ladies were so complimentary. A big thanks to Virginia & Janet for inviting us!

The next day, December 10, Dangerous Curves appeared on the Hit Parade Show at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino. Hosting that day were the incredibly talented Mark Giovi & Robin Vincent (of “Swing City Dolls”). We sang Jingle Bells & Star of Wonder. As always, we just LOVED performing for the Suncoast crowd…they are always so appreciative of everything we do!

We finished the week at Studio 8 Ten, downtown in the Art District, performing for their Annual Holiday Open House on Friday evening. We presented an hour of music (a mixture of Holiday music and some Dangerous Curves’ favorites) for the guests and staff. And talk about a wonderful cause…here’s a little information about Studio 8 Ten:

Studio 8 Ten is a non-profit arts and crafts studio providing paid training and employment for adults with disabilities in Las Vegas’ Transition Services supported employment programs. Resident artists train in the design, production, and sales of over 50 different handmade products, all unique to our company, and learn the specifics of running their own business. Studio 8 Ten fosters pride, self-sufficiency, and self-esteem by providing positive interaction with the community and opportunities to show off their personal talents. All proceeds from sales in the gift shop go directly back into the program to purchase supplies, upkeep facilities, and pay the individuals for their efforts.

Just before our performance at the Stirling Club, December 15, 2009

The following week, Ron and I performed a 30-minute version of our popular “Christmas Thru the Decades” Show for the Towne Club Holiday Luncheon at the Stirling Club at Turnberry Place. This is such a fun show to do because it includes all the BEST Holiday music from the 1930’s thru the 1960’s! Songs such as Santa Claus is Coming to Town (1934), Baby It’s Cold Outside (1944), Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (1944), Let It Snow (1945), White Christmas (1947), Blue Christmas (1957), What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve (1960), Please Come Home for Christmas (1960), Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (1960), You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch (1966), and more…

(Note: The years given above are based on certain recordings of the individual songs, not necessarily the year the song was written.)

The week of the 21st, Ron and I performed the show 2 more times. First for the Foreign Travel Club Holiday Party (20-minute version of the show) at Desert Vista Community Center in Sun City Summerlin, and then out in Boulder City for the residents & staff of the Nevada State Veterans Home (full 1-hour show). Both audiences were so wonderful and appreciative…particularly at the Veterans Home. It is one of our all-time favorite places to perform! Thanks so much Angela for having us back again this year!

To see available shows OR to book Lisa & Ron Smith for YOUR event, please visit www.BeyondTalentProductions.com

New Year’s Eve found me at 2 different gigs at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino. The first was with Shades of Sinatra for our New Year’s at NOON Show in the main showroom, and the second was an evening of Jazz at SC Prime Steakhouse for their New Year’s Eve Dinner. Accompanied by the FABULOUSLY talented Dehner Franks on piano, it was an evening I will not soon forget! Completely wonderful in so many ways. To begin with, the restaurant is absolutely stunning, the food is spectacular, and everyone that works there is so nice. Secondly, it was such an HONOR to work with Dehner! He is so incredible and so much fun to sing with. I need to say a HUGE thank you to Glenda Zuhse (who recommended me for the gig, was SO sweet & accommodating the entire evening, and even arranged a Birthday cake for me!!!!) and Terry Jenkins for giving me the opportunity. Thanks for everything!

And that about wraps it up…2009 was quite a FULL year! I am grateful for so many things in my life–my family, my friends, my health, having a “job” that never feels like a job, those who actually take the time to read this blog :), etc–but I am MOST thankful for my dear, sweet, sexy, hard-working husband who is my best friend and supports me in everything I do…I love you so much honey…thanks for a great year!

Look out, 2010, HERE WE COME!

Smith Family Christmas!

Christmas was filled with FAMILY this year!  And although Ron did have to work on Christmas Eve day doing a slot tournament at the Flamingo, he was home by about 7pm, so we could all enjoy Christmas Eve dinner and open presents together.

christmas-eve-08-montage So many wonderful gifts this year…WAY more than we expected.  Some of our gifts included: a bottle of PEPI Pinot Grigio (my FAV!), Starbucks gift cards, a new IPOD Nano (a super-easy way to play our background tracks at gigs), a bread-maker from Ron’s mom, Broadway’s Lost Treasures DVD collection, new underwear and bras (which I picked out and then had to wrap up :) ) and a new MP3 Recorder for rehearsals.

Trying out our new Mistletoe Ball from mom and dad!

Trying out our new Mistletoe Ball from mom and dad!

Then on Christmas morning we all gathered at my mom and dad’s house for Christmas breakfast before Ron had to head off to the Flamingo again for another day of hosting slot tournaments.  Following breakfast, Ron’s mom and brother and I headed back to our house to relax for a bit, then about 4pm we all headed downtown to meet Ron for a movie (we saw “Seven Pounds” at the Orleans….EXCELLENT movie!).

1) Lisa and Daddy; 2) Ron and his mom, Gloria; 3) The family (my mom was taking the picture); 4) Ron's brother, Gary, and Ron; 5) Lisa and Mom

1) Lisa and Daddy; 2) Ron and his mom, Gloria; 3) The family (my mom was taking the picture); 4) Ron's brother, Gary, and Ron; 5) Lisa and Mom

Ron and Lisa Smith


What a fun, family-filled Christmas it was.  I only wish my brother and his family could have been here to share it with us.  Hopefully next year…

Wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and an AMAZING new year!

Love Always, Ron and Lisa Smith

Performing Arts Society of Nevada’s “Holiday Celebration”

With Kellie Wright after the "Holiday Celebration" at the Flamingo Library

With Kellie Wright after the "Holiday Celebration" Show at the Flamingo Library, Dec. 7th

Last Sunday, Ron, my Dad and I went to see our friend Kellie Wright in the Performing Arts Society of Nevada’s annual holiday fundraiser show at the Clark County Library Theatre on Flamingo. With a cast of over 20 different performers from the Las Vegas area presenting 22 different Christmas numbers, there was definitely something for everyone…and the crowd seemed to really love the show.  And while everyone in the show did an admirable job, there were a few performers who really stood out and, in my ever-so-humble opinion, stole the show.

Domenick Allen & Cayleigh

Domenick Allen & Cayleigh

First and foremost were Domenick Allen (former lead singer of the band “Foreigner”) and his adorable, and very talented daughter, Cayleigh Capaldi!  Oh my goodness…LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the number that they did together.  It was a beautiful and touching arrangement of Daddy’s Little Girl, Toyland, and Ordinary Miracles, which I am assuming Domenick arranged himself…there is seriously no end to this man’s talent.  We saw him last Christmas in “Clint Holmes Unplugged Holiday Show” at the Sahara Hotel, and were absolutely blown away by him!  If you get a chance to see him perform somewhere, I highly recommend it!!

My second favorite performer in the show was actually my friend Kellie Wright (thank GOODNESS she was fabulous, because I would have felt terrible not being able to mention my own friend :) )!  But seriously, her jazzy, bluesy rendition of It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas was one of the BEST numbers in the show.  I know what you are thinking…”how in the world could THAT song ever be jazzy and bluesy?”  Well, I don’t know either, but somehow Kellie was able to do it, and it was truly FAB!!!!  You go, girl!!!

A few others who deserve a nice mention were Philip Fortenberry (currently the associate conductor for “Jersey Boys” at the Palazzo) doing a GORGEOUS holiday arrangement on piano, Randall Peterson (from Bally’s “Jubilee”) who did a very nice job with Winter Wonderland, and Dolly Coulter (former cast member of “Hats!” at Harrah’s, “Tony and Tina’s Wedding” at The Rio, and currently performing with “Killian’s Angels”) who was surprisingly great on Oh Holy Night. And please don’t take that the wrong way…the ONLY reason I say “surprisingly” is that it wasn’t a song I would have expected her to do…but she SANG it…boy, did she ever! Really great!

And I can’t forget to mention Joan Sobel, whose rendition of Ave Maria was absolutely among the BEST I have ever heard.  WOW!!!

There were of course several others who did a great job as well, but these were the one’s who stood out to me the most.  Overall, a very enjoyable show and a great beginning to the Holidays!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

To learn more about Domenick Allen, please visit his website at www.DomenickAllen.com

You can check out Kellie Wright’s website at www.KellieWright.com

Visit Dolly Coulter’s website to read about the ORIGINAL MUSICALS she’s working on with her writing partner Bert Anderson Jr!  www.DollyCoulter.com

To learn more about Philip Fortenberry, visit his website at www.PhilipFortenberry.com